The originator of PURSOR™ and the distributor, GrandPa’s Pharmacy, have been working together for 10 years. We are thrilled that a very special, may we say elite, group of practitioners are now helping patients with this protocol. As a new concept becomes more widely propagated, unfortunately the basic knowledge behind it inevitably becomes increasingly corrupted.
The PURSOR ™ Protocol is safe, non-toxic and inexpensive and can remit numerous conditions. However, since it is a new treatment paradigm, those seeking out its advantages have to learn a new set of skills. Fortunately, there are practitioners who have learned PURSOR™ well and are ready and wiling to teach.
This set of Frequently Asked Questions is designed to supplement the practitioner’s training. Ideally, it will become a living document that will be frequently amended to increase its value.
Does PURSOR™ treat addictive craving?
Yes, and very effectively. Not only that, it also stops the crippling symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal.
How long before PURSOR™ stops craving?
The vast majority find that not only craving but other disorders markedly improve in minutes
Most people who are addicted also suffer from mood disorders. Drug and alcohol addicts say that they are trying to lessen these terrible symptoms. What happens to these symptoms?
Depression, anxiety, other obsessive/compulsive disorders and even muddled thinking also stop. Many say that for the first time they feel normal and normalcy is great.
A friend of mine told me she took PURSOR™ and her asthma stopped. What gives?
Dopamine and 5-HT are reciprocal regulators of the immune system. If the immune system is skewed in one direction, patients are prone to allergies, stuffy noses and asthma. If skewed to the opposite, autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions pop up. PURSOR™ balances DA/5-HT which in turn stops the immune system being abnormally skewed.
What is the PURSOR™ Protocol?
Two neurotransmitters, dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) play important roles in the regulation of multiple systems. Dopamine and 5-HT are important reciprocal regulators that manage such diverse systems as mood, blood pressure, metabolism, temperature, immunology and many more.
What are the precursor agents used?
Levodopa is a natural amino acid. It survives only a short time in the brain or body because it rapidly metabolizes into DA. 5-Hydroxytryptophan, also an amino acid, rapidly metabolizes into serotonin (5‑HT).
What are these active ingredients mixed with?
A fine oil, sweetening/flavoring agents and other inert ingredients
Why do these oil suspensions have flavoring agents?
Serendipitously, Dr. Hitzig found that when these agents are included, the oil suspension tastes sweet. Continued administration and each individual suspension loses its taste. Continued use and the stuff becomes down right nasty. Hundreds of patients confirm that the change of taste correlates with maximum benefit. In essence, one can taste oneself to balance.
What are the reasons I shouldn’t take PURSOR™
· Are you pregnant?
· Are you planning to become pregnant in the near future?
· Are you taking or have you taken in the last two weeks a MAO inhibitor, an antidepressant?
What subjects will we talk about before starting PURSOR™ ?
· Are you craving drugs or alcohol?
· Do you suffer from anxiety, depression or excessive anger?
· How about obsessive/compulsive disorders?
· So many people who have other problems also suffer from pain but have given up mentioning it. Do you?
· Another symptom ignored: muddled thinking or a diagnosis of attention deficit?
· Do you have any immune or allergic disorders?
Can you give me a rough idea what else should take place on my startup visit?
I hope that you will learn that PURSOR™ is a friendly, benign treatment. Unfortunately, many so-called treatments for craving disorders involve pain. The programs that teach you to stop cold do not talk about the pain of unrequited craving and withdrawal. Such agents as Antabuse punish you with terrible symptoms should you slip. Other newer and more bizarre treatments involve vaccinations that block such agents being active. This last approach did not stop cocaine addiction, it just markedly increased its cost.
PURSOR™ takes away the pain of craving and withdrawal as well as the psychic pain of anxiety and depression. It empowers you to think straight and not be pulled down by pain.
Just before we start PURSOR™ , you will be asked to quantify your immediate levels of:
Depression Anxiety Hostility
Pain (headache, fibromyalgia, generalized, unexplained)
Confusion Craving Nasal congestion
Prior to use, each bottle is shaken. 3 drops or so at a time of the 5-HTP suspension is dropped on a spoon and licked off. Back of the hand also works. DO NOT SWALLOW! Move the liquid around in your mouth. Report what it tastes like.
Usually, this suspension is pleasant at first. Continue with more drops until the taste changes to bland. If you continue it becomes unpleasant. Should you ignore this change with either precursor, nausea and vomiting follows. it is hard if not impossible to overdose. After the 5-HTP endpoint is achieved, do the same with the levodopa suspension. The whole sequence takes about 3-5 minutes
Why not just give us pills? What gives with the liquid?
· Gets chemicals into brain
o Substances that are absorbed through the stomach and small intestine are carried by the blood stream to the liver. The liver detoxifies unusual substances. In this case it metabolizes levodopa to DA and 5-HTP to serotonin. Dopamine and 5-HT cannot get into brain.
o Absorb in mouth and no first passage through liver. The changes take place in the brain in milliseconds and work immediately
· Permits taste to regulate amount given
What should I expect?
Craving for alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine in the vast majority stop in minutes. Opiate craving appears to react the same way but the numbers are not high enough to confirm. Mood disorders similarly melt away and allergic symptoms abate. You will be taught that the return of any symptom or sign indicates a need to repeat PURSOR™.
What do I do after my visit?
Over the next three days, you should be carefully supervised. I suggest that the first follow up should take place later the first day and then at least daily until you are comfortable in your self-administration. Confirm with your practitioner before starting that his/her office is trained to do this.
What else can I do to get guidance?
Tell your clinician that you are having problems. Let him or her know that you may be in touch with us at Health Innovations for help. I welcome phone calls that include the clinician and the patient with problems. Everybody benefits.
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